Planning application search

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P21/0830/A1 Non material amendment to previously approved application P21/0830 1-11, DUDLEY ROAD, BRIERLEY HILL, DY5 1HA
P22/1345/C2 Discharge of Condition: 6 (EVCP) TRINITY POINT, NEW ROAD, HALESOWEN
P23/0127/A1 Non material amendment to previously approved application P23/0127 Unit2 2- 4, TIMES SQUARE AVENUE, BRIERLEY HILL, DY5 1SY
P24/0442 Erection of a pair of 3no. bedroom semi-detached dwellings. Land adjacent 262, Stourbridge Road, Dudley, DY1 2EE
P24/0536/LDO Householder Local Development Order for a single storey side extension 17, HIGH PARK AVENUE, WOLLASTON, STOURBRIDGE, DY8 3ND
P24/0623 First floor side extension and conversion of garage into habitable room with fro 110, AMBLECOTE ROAD, BRIERLEY HILL, DY5 2YG
P24/0626 Single storey detached garden building for use as a sensory space (retrospective THE HIGHLANDS, QUARRY PARK ROAD, STOURBRIDGE, DY8 2RE
P24/0627 Installation of new window to front elevation and new thermal upgrade to existin SHORT CROSS METHODIST CHURCH, ATTWOOD STREET, HALESOWEN, B63 3UE
P24/0638 Construction of wall in front garden (retrospective) 18, WITHYMOOR ROAD, NETHERTON, DUDLEY, DY2 9LA
P24/0683/PNA Prior Notification for the erection of a single storey rear extension with a pro 14, MORVALE GARDENS, LYE, STOURBRIDGE, DY9 8DF
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