Make a comment

To make a comment about planning application P24/1100 please fill in the details as appropriate.

Only fields highlighted like this are mandatory and if no entry is made in any of the mandatory fields they will be highlighted after the Submit button has been clicked.

Please be aware:

All planning applications are public documents; any comments, which you submit relating to an application, will be available for public viewing both online and within our planning files in accordance with Planning Legislation. When responding electronically, please send your comments as an attachment and DO NOT include your name, e-mail address or telephone number on the attachment; you must however include your address, the application number and site address. The information you provide will be stored with the councils electronic planning file and some details will be published on the councils website. Information provided by you will be published and retained in-line with the councils retention policy for planning applications, which requires the council to retain your information for 10 years after determination of the planning application. The council will only use your data to inform the planning process (including appeals) for this individual application. Anonymous comments may not be taken in to consideration within the planning process. Any representations received that the Council considers in any way defamatory or derisory will not be accepted.

When commenting on a planning proposal it is important to remember that the planning system does not exist to protect the private interests of one person against the activities of another, and only land use planning considerations can be taken into account in the determination of planning applications. Such considerations can include:-

  • National Government Policy & Guidance
  • Supplementary guidance, e.g. design & development briefs
  • Site considerations, i.e. levels of the land, contamination, flooding, trees, boundaries etc
  • Visual appearance, i.e. materials, height, scale, massing, design, density and layout in relation to surroundings.
  • Relationships to neighbouring properties e.g. overlooking/overshadowing problems, noise/smell/fumes/glare or parking/access considerations.
  • Impact on listed buildings or conservation areas, archaeology or natural conservation.

Issues, which cannot be taken into account, include:

  • Matters covered by other legislation e.g. health and safety regulations, licensing or building control.
  • Boundaries/access disputes
  • Private interests such as loss of property value, competition between businesses, or loss of private view over neighbouring land/property
  • Legal covenants, title restrictions or the fact the applicant does not own the site.
  • The motives, conduct, financial or personal circumstances of the applicant.

Your Name/Company Details

(Individual Only)


(Individual Only)

Surname/Company Name:



Your Address Details
House Name/No:




Post Code:

Comment Details
Role code:

Nature of response:



Response text:

HTS Name: wphmakerep-nongaz.hts